Community Outreach

Whether it’s meeting with community members to facilitate their participation in the preservation process or working alongside people in the field during a TCP, Legacy is ready to assist. Our team is here to listen and help communities achieve their preservation goals, from documentation of important cultural thoughts and practices through participation in the Section 106 and NEPA processes for ongoing projects.

What is public outreach?

Public outreach is simply involving the community, especially descendant communities associated with cultural resources. Our job is not to speak for those communities, but to engage them in the interpretation of the past.

What is a TCP?

A Traditional Cultural Property (TCP) is a property or place strongly associated with a group of people that are still living and is closely tied to their cultural practices, beliefs, and traditions. TCPs are eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.

Is community outreach the same thing as tribal consultation?

Federally recognized Native American tribes have a different legal status and recognition under Federal law, and tribal consultation occurs between agencies. Legacy can facilitate tribal consultation for our clients, and we can perform community outreach, which has a different status and meaning under Federal law.